As the Content Analyst for Planet, Molly co-developed and maintains the Climate Semantic Database (CSD) framework that powers Planet. She leads new projects for expanding the climate-focused topics in the CSD and evaluates the usability of Planet’s CSD content.
Over the course of her undergraduate and graduate studies, Molly worked on a BMW vehicle customization application and developed a polygon selector tool for a platform designed for HFC network technicians. She also worked as a library assistant in academic and public institutions, initiating projects that ranged from technical Q&A sessions for library patrons to a student-run podcasting station. Having entered the sustainability field as a librarian, Molly applies her passion for making climate-focused solutions accessible to everyone and improving collaborative work between communities through her work with Planet.
Molly holds a BS in Computer Information Systems from the University of South Carolina and an MSc in Library and Information Science from Simmons University. Currently based in Boston, she loves international travel and enjoys reading, felting and knitting cat toys.